Body Reading 101 presented by Tom Myers

About the Event
101: This one-day workshop explores relational anatomy and helps build your seeing and palpation skills to determine skeletal patterns and how they interact in the body. Learn the language of BodyReading, tilt, bend, shift and rotate to accurately describe the geometry of the body in a way your client can understand. Assess common postural patterns in all planes of motion. Skills learned today can be immediately used with your clients tomorrow. This is a must for any practitioner in movement and bodywork and will help take your practice to the next level.
“Where you think it is, it ain’t!” – Ida Rolf
Learn how the problem can be very distant from the area of pain. This workshop covers:
- How the meridians can hold a postural pattern and be influenced by skeletal alignment.
- Tensegrity
- Basic functional assessments to see what is moving, what isn’t and what
- may be moving too much!
- How a local restriction can have a global impact
- How to document your findings
Workshop duration includes 1 hour lunch break.

Tom Myers
About the teacher
Thomas Myers studied with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and with a variety of movement and manual therapy pioneers. His work is influenced by cranial, visceral, and intrinsic movement studies he made with European schools of osteopathy. An inveterate traveler, Tom has practiced integrative manual therapy for over 40 years in a variety of clinical and cultural settings. Tom is the author of Anatomy Trains (2020, 4th ed), co-author of Fascial Release for Structural Balance (North Atlantic, 2010, 2017), co-author of Anatomy Trains in Motion Study Guide (2019), author of Body3, The Anatomist’s Corner, Structural Integration: Collected Articles, and BodyReading: Visual Assessment and The Anatomy Trains, and has also written extensively for Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (Elsevier). He has also produced over 20 online learning courses with Anatomy Trains, and others in collaboration with various body-oriented professional groups. Tom lives and sails on the coast of Maine in the USA. Tom and his faculty conduct professional development courses and certification in Structural Integration worldwide.